File Menu

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File Menu


Network related group

New networks

Erases all data from memory, removes pictures and set most parameters to default values.

Open networks

Opens a dialog box in order to load a previously saved project file. This project file contains units, nets, and system data. It also contains the map and pictures filename and path. The map file and pictures files are loaded automatically if they are found.

Save networks

Opens a dialog box in order to save all project files on disk.

Save networks as

Opens a dialog box in order to save the networks data to a project file on disk.

Networks properties

Opens a window containing all the necessary controls to perform network edition (see How to create a network ).

Unit properties

Opens a form in order to edit units data (see How to position units).


Map related group

Open map

Opens a dialog box in order to load a previously saved map file. The map file contains elevation data, and is normally associated with a bitmap picture file.

Save map as

Opens a dialog box in order to save map data into a file. The file, is named with the map name followed by a .MAP extension, and contains elevation data. Contrary to older version, the map picture will not be saved, because program allows multiple pictures per map. Each picture must be saved with the Save picture as command.

Map properties

Opens a form in order to define the map coverage boundaries and select the elevation database (see How to acquire elevation data).

Previous map

Opens the Map properties form with the centre and size settings adjusted to the previous map created.

Next map

Opens the Map properties form with the centre and size settings adjusted to the next map created.


Picture related group

New picture

Opens the Picture properties form in order to create a new map picture.

Open picture

Opens a dialog box in order to load a picture file from disk (BMP, GIF, TIF, PNG or JPEG). Picture files are associated with a properties file named with the picture followed by a .DAT extension. If the properties file is not found, the file is considered as a user picture that can be scaled manually (see Import and scale user pictures).

Save picture as

Opens a dialog box in order to save a bitmap picture file in BMP, TIF, PNG or JPEG format.

Picture properties

Opens the appropriate form (Map, User or 3D type) that can be used to create or modify a map picture (see How to create a map picture, How to import and scale user pictures, and 3D, panoramic, and stereoscopic views).


Print related group


Prints the active picture on a printer device. The picture is scaled and oriented to fit paper size.


Program related

Files list

Files shown are recent networks project files that can be recalled.


This command aborts program execution upon confirmation.




© Copyright G3TVU

18th January 2014